C = Comand Wing
S = Search Wing
A = Attack Wing
E = Escort Wing
D = Defend Wing
Wing Descriptions
Command Wing: The people here should be good in strategy games, anticipating the other teams actions, and good leaders. No combative skills needed, but a knowlage of each ships striengths, and weaknesses is. The duty of this person is to coordinate the team members.
Search Wing: Those on this wing require taking pleasure out of watching the enemy knowing they cannot be seen, and the knowlage they are the most important pilot on their team. This wing's duty is to seek enemy structiors, or units, that are of tacticle or defencive value.
Attack Wing: Skill is not a nessesity here, only the ability to push a button. Good tacticle abilities is helpfull, and a good sence of timeing and coordination is a must. This wing's duty is to continualy make attempts at destroying enemy units and structures of value.
Escort Wing: Skill is a must for these. Your aces should go in this wing. Tacticle abilities are not very important. Duties are to patroll neutral sectors, to intercept the enemy farther out, and to assis the Attack and Defend wings.
Defend Wing: Skill, nore tactics are nessesary for this wing. Basic gunning skills, patiants are a must. The ability to go into combat mode instantly, or stay in it continualy is required. Duties are to Defand sectors with bases in them at all times, and camp aliphs.
All wings should set their chat to communicate within their wing only. Only wing leaders should communicate with the commander, and directly to the commander, not to the entire team. Both of these steps will help maintain order and clearity within the team.