When patrolling or holding neutral sectors, the Escort Wing will be using the defualt fighter configuration, accept using MRM Seeker Missles instead of SRM Dumbfires. One or two pilots should use a scout. The scout shall use the EW Nanite Repair, not have shields mounted, and carry alternate equiptment or ammo in cargo for the fighters.
This support scout shall stay 1,000 meters behind the Escort Wing's formation line, and will only approch it when it needs protection, or when there is no danger and fighters require repairs and expendables. The support scout may have to go to a base and return to the wing often to keep the fighters armed. If two scouts are used, they should do it in alternation, not in sincronus. When returning to the major body of the Escort Wing, keeping speed high is priorety. Taking long wide turns is will acheve this.
For the fighters, do not attack unless ordered by the Escort Wing Leader. Which will keep unnessesary situations from occuring, such as 5 fighters chasing and attacking 1 scout.